Thursday, 21 November 2019


Clip this corner and maybe redo the angled edge of the brush so that it fits flush with the wall and does not make that tiny space? If you're going to ignore feedback on your map, or just not care for someones opinions just because he's saying it in a certain way that displeases you, you're killing off people that want to help mappers and promote competitive tf2 map making, I really hate to see a hard working guy like myself or anyone being ignored of feedback just because I didn't say:. Do you already have an account? Groups 23 May , 7. Thanks for the help! I wouldn't really go above units high unless you really have to, or if it doesn't block sunlight. I basically trawled the TF2maps. metalworks rc7

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metalworks rc7

ClandestinePzDec 31, Weekly Map Discussion ScorpioUprising I'll make sure to mention it when I email Valve. Please move spawns so that they are all on the same level, I see no reason to have them on different levels.

Cp metalworks rc7

He spent a couple of hours gathering screenshots and writing several very small paragraphs?! Phrases like "I think This won't really fundamentally alter the combat in that room, but it does open up options for aerial play a tiny bit.

Some screenshots of the new middle: RC7 it is then. The first thing you make is bad, both because you're just learning how to use the tools, but also because you're learning how to make GOOD levels. This separates the cosmetic aspect of the map from the way it is meant to be played, effectively giving the advantage not to the most creative and cunning team, but rather to the most skilful.

Tuyet hong mp3 downloads. Ignore the hole next to one of the doors.

cp_metalworks Official Feedback Thread Mark

I typically spend a few hours on each and every one of the map feedback posts I do and when I edit stuff I typically want it to be as short and to the point as it possibly can be. You must log in or sign up to reply here. Ignoring feedback however makes me uneasy. Your name or email address: ScorpioUprisingMar 3, This isn't something that you've done wrong, it isn't the result of a mistake or a failing on your part.

Now has rather larger stair room and more floor at the meralworks level. I gc7 really go above units high unless you really have to, or if it doesn't block sunlight.

Ian "Scorpio Uprising" Cuslidge. Just two quick things about the map that have been bothering me slightly. Design by committee is never a formula for interesting game design, and allowing yourself time to think and consider is huge for improving a map.

Pdfkey pro full download free. Was too small before, a scout could double jump right metalworos the point.

metalworks rc7

Or old map, made new. Maybe you should have a private chat instead of passive-aggressively uttering frustrated psychological projection and blame shifting on a public forum in regards to someone you've probably never actually spoken to. Also clip the edge of the pipe on the left metalowrks http: Hopefully some ideas can get brainstormed and a new version will be out for next season.


I was able to get some last minute cleanup from RC7, but I figured now would be a good time to get community feedback for potential changes to the offical map. Telling me I "must" change something or that a section of the map is "terrible" is unlikely to persuade me. This article is for Competitive play, based on the Standard competitive format For the generic article on this topic, see: The tiny bit of lamp protruding through the player clip is hilarious.

Lobby between mid to second is very choky and kills off a lot of momentum.

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